Alien abduction tattoo

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Man with 12 fingers and 14 toes

Pianists, typists and tailors might all look on green with envy at Haramb Ashok Kumthekar, of Goa in India, who has six digits on each hand and seven digits on each feet.

But for Heramb, 22, it means he cannot even wear a pair of simple flip-flops, nor can he find a pair of gloves that fit his hands in the winter.

…Heramb, who is currently studying for a Masters in Business Management at his college in the western Indian town of Pune, has always seen his extra digits as something to be proud of.

“I am happy about it because I have something that others don’t have,” says Heramb.

And showing a full understanding of that old maxim ‘Use what you’ve got’ , Heramb goes on to say, “I never had a problem with it and after I get publicity I will be famous because of it.”

Heramb’s extra digits are caused by the medical condition polydactlyism, which translates from the Greek for “many fingers”.

The congenital condition occurs in one in every 500 births and famous holders of extra digits include the beheaded ex-wife of Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, who was rumoured to have an extra finger on her left hand.
READ MORE - Man with 12 fingers and 14 toes

Look behind you!

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The Montauk Monster

Via Gawker: “This is an actual monster, some sort of rodent-like creature with a dinosaur beak. A tipster says that there is “a government animal testing facility very close by in Long Island,” but unless the government is trying to design horrible Montauk monsters that will eat IEDs and fart fire at bad Iraqis, we’re not sure why they would create such an unthinkable beast. Our guess is that it’s viral marketing for something. Ali Lohan’s new album perhaps.”
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Human unicorn

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