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Weird Car Parade Mods

READ MORE - Weird Car Parade Mods

Magnolia, Peony, Paris

The Kari Herer Photography portfolio consist three of my favorite things: Magnolia, Peony and Paris. Her gorgeous Magnolia series is well known in the blogworld, appearing on Oh Joy!, Cup of Jo, Decor8 etc...

But her other pieces are just as stunning, here are some of my favs

Happy Friday! This was a busy but fun week for me & I have a busy weekend ahead!

(photos from Kari Herer Photography)
READ MORE - Magnolia, Peony, Paris

Day Trip to London & Windsor

Some photos from my day trip to London & Windsor earlier this week, didn't take too many photos as the weather was mostly grey ( as expected...)

St. Paul's Cathedral - taken while on tour bus!

Buckingham Palace - The Queen wasn't in, apparently she's in Scotland at the moment

Inside the British Museum

The Windsor day trip, Windsor Castle

changing of the Guards at Windsor Castle

outfit photos to follow :)


if you are in the mood for a Fashion post, check out my guest post at Simply Hue

(photos by me)

READ MORE - Day Trip to London & Windsor

White Character

It's been a while since I posted about an almost pure white interior right? Fear not, here it is! :)

The combination of antique/vintage furniture and white walls just work so well together.

ps, I did an interview here about how I opened my shop {luphia}, have a read if you're interested :)

(interior photos by Mari Eriksson)
READ MORE - White Character

8 Most Awful and Bizarre Body Modifications

Corneal tattooing is not only possible, but it has been known and done now for over 2,000 years — it became almost commonplace in the late 19th century and into the 20th century to correct defects such as corneal scarring and leucomas.
These days, it is done less often because contact lenses are very effective at covering these defects, and prosthetic technology is also more accessible. However, not everyone can wear contact lenses, and not everyone wants their eyeball popped out even if it is blind; hence cosmetic tattooing of the eye.

2. Scarification
Scarification is the creative and artistic application of scars in a controlled manner to achieve an aesthetically or spiritually pleasing result. In the process of body scarification, scars are formed by cutting the skin. Even though many people hold that scarification is no more painful than tattooing, it is somehow more "intense" to most of them.

3. 3D-Art Implant
A 3D-Art implant is any object implanted fully under the skin for the purpose of affecting a sculptural change of the surface. The "invention" and popularization of implants as 3D-Art is credited primarily to Steve Haworth. Implants can be stretched just like piercings. A good example of this are horn implants—they start as smaller implants, and are then taken out when healed and replaced with slightly larger ones. This process is repeated to achieve the final size. There are some risks of irritation to the skin above the implant if this process is pushed too fast, as with all stretching.

4. Corset Piercings
One of the newest trends in body modification comes in the form of corset piercings. They are a series of surface piercings arranged up the back in two vertical columns. The piercing is located in the spot where the eyelets would be if one was wearing a corset. It is a symmetrical piercing with an equal number of holes on each side. As few as four holes can be used (two on each side) up to as many as the expanse of skin will allow.

5. Branding
The Human Branding is, perhaps, the most painful of all body modifications. In full-scale branding, the iron is heated hot enough and applied long enough that the resulting wound is a third degree burn, which destroys the nerve. These third-degree burns never regain sensitivity. It will make a silver scarred area in the shape of the third degree burn, due to destruction of the entire dermis layer of the skin. The surrounding skin will eventually fill in areas that haven’t been severely damaged, which takes years.

6. Body Suspension
Body suspension is the act of suspending the human body via temporary piercings made just before the suspension process. The body is then raised either partially or completely from the ground by especially modified fishing hooks.

7. Tongue bifurcation
One of the newest body modifications to hit the scene is tongue splitting, or tongue bifurcation. The process involves literally cutting the tongue in half directly down the center. Once the tongue is split it is possible to move both sections independently of one another.

8. Pointy Ears
READ MORE - 8 Most Awful and Bizarre Body Modifications