Blog Archive

Elegent in Green

This beautiful apartment is modern, yet at the same time very elegant and chic, thanks for the splash of green here and there...

(images from Lagerlings)
READ MORE - Elegent in Green

A White Dream

These beautiful photos are so delicate and so perfect for lifting up a gray morning ...

(photos by smashmydreamoflove )
READ MORE - A White Dream

Gray Chic

In my mind, gray is always such a chic colour.

{all from}

Sorry about my irregular posts lately, I'm still trying to move things from my old laptop to my new one, so please bear with me...
(editorial photos by Fabio Bartelt)
READ MORE - Gray Chic

Strange and Weird Body Modification In Japan

The Japanese continued to lose one's mind - with each of their new fashion to me is becoming more terrible and frightening.
Now they come to an injection of salt solution under the skin and, as such, roam on the clubs. Injection can be done in almost any part of the body, but the Japanese seem to prefer for this purpose is the forehead.
What do they coined in the next time?

READ MORE - Strange and Weird Body Modification In Japan

{Weekly Giveaway}: The Peach Tree

This week's giveaway is from the lovely shop The Peach Tree, a shop which stocks gorgeous pieces made from gems, rocks and minerals.

The winner will get a $26 voucher to spend towards any one item in the shop
go now to check out the full range of choices.

Sorry to bore you with the conditions again, only read if you're new here!

How to Enter?
Anyone who leaves a comment on any post during the next 7 days is automatically entered in the draw, starting with this post and ending Saturday the 2nd of Oct at 10am GMT. The winner will be revealed later that day.

Rules: only leave one comment per post please, meaningless comments will also be discarded. To pick the winner, I will first use to generate a number between 1 to 6 (6 posts a week) and then pick a randome comment within that post. So to maximise your chances you can reply to every post, don't want to miss a post? follow this blog via Blogger, Reader or Bloglovin & these technology will remind you!

Now to last week's winner... Congratulation to Post 6 Comment 38, that's you fashionable palette!! I will contact you shortly for delivery address :)

READ MORE - {Weekly Giveaway}: The Peach Tree

{Vintage Friday}: Pretty Little Dresses

How pretty & adorable are these cute dresses? I know what you're thinking, I want her wardrobe too! :)

Have a lovely weekend! I'll be back with the regular {Weekly Giveaway} tomorrow!

(lovely photos by tsilli)

READ MORE - {Vintage Friday}: Pretty Little Dresses

Currently Lusting Over...

Quiet post today... I'm currently lusting over these two handbags, I'm hoping the Chloe one will go in the sales this winter ;)

(images from
READ MORE - Currently Lusting Over...

Colours, Warm & Cold

Recently discovered Annie Schlechter's interior portfolio, and yes I can confirm it is fabulous! Whether it's cold or warm colours that you love, she has lovely examples of both styles.

(images from Annie Schlechter's portfolio)

READ MORE - Colours, Warm & Cold