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♥ku mahu kau tahu♥

тнαզιғ ℓσʌɛ ιʓαн

tersudut termenung jauh
mengenangkan nasib kita
kita miliki separuh
berbentuk hati cinta namanya
walau kau jauh
kusentiasa menunggumu
pedihku imbas kembali memori
walau kau jauh
ku berjanjikan terus tunggu
dipisah lautan biru ku mahu kau tahu
aku kan terus menunggu
jaga benar gambarku dalam telefon bimbit mu
jangan pernah sekali kau buang
seperti cinta ini yang terbuku
akan bersemi jua
try to be in my shoes,then you will understands.
p/s : тнαզιғ i miss you much. thanks for this song on one year we'r together. u sukkaa kan nyanyi lagu nei kat i. full of reason. :/ and for those y ta faham please ... RINDU :/

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The Beauty is in the Details

The rings, the watch, the sequin clutch, love...

{ images via Zara samples }

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♥lagi tweet♥


nanaaa kekalkan hubungan kita,kene la try something y baru !
act,bukan baru pun. kalau tdekk kredit sonang na text ! muahahaha :)
ap pun,thanks sayang ! 

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....actually, around 2 weeks nei izah watch destinasi bajet ! not bad laa holiday die and for sure using around 300 ringgit ! petang tu,terus text baby then said pulau perhentian. baby cakap,betul ke sayang? lahhh,is't right la hunnyy.. and kalau kita na pegi kene la spend time kan. ok,i'm on leave. but die busy with final project. eda,my twins pun busy with test and going for final also. nampaknye,cuti for 2 weeks nei just spend time kat ruma.  mama said,macam kene tangguh dulu laa plan holiday kita. budget untuk holiday da lowest ! hahh? tape laa,next time planning lagi kann. bukan susah pun. continue bout destinasi bajet ! hmmm,ok laa kan ! minggu lepas cerita pasal pulau perhentian,and semalam story bout taman negara. using 300 juga ! ishhh,great time laa if holiday nan friends kan ? ramai-ramai ! best juga nei ajak yoon,liz,eda.. :)
taman negara pun ok juga. sape sukkaaa jungle, adventure segala boleh nei ! haaaa... tapi,na bwak budak3 y kuat melawa sejak skola tu memang ta la kann ! :D sedehhhh jadi.. hihihihihiihihi.... watch channel tu,baru izah tahu y kat pulau perhentian nei ada 2 pulau. kecil and besar ! and dalam tu depa prefer to pulau kecil haii cantik gila laaa pulau nei. nanaa nages rasa,tahu dakkk. :/
bertuah laa Qi,holiday je die kan ! hmmmmm.. oke,one day akan ke sana juga ! bored la,KL,JB,JB KL,ishhhh.... kat sana pun da jemu tengok muka izah kannn... :D muahahahhaha...
nei plak taman negara national park. ishh, adventure seyhh. :/ dalam cite tu cakap jambatan nei terpanjang di dunia and ta menggunakan sebiji paku pun ! reason,na pelihara pokok segala. wah ! GREAT ! bertuah badan kalau dapat p sini juga ! 
ta silap jungle canopy laa name die ! 

p/s : @muhammadthaqif busy classes now! and,i'm waiting you. ehh,da kerap tweet laa ! suka gila kat kau faham ! hihihihihihihihhiihi....thanks for always making me smile  :D ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Love Quote This 1st Week Oct 2011

READ MORE - Love Quote This 1st Week Oct 2011

World's Most Biggest Tumors Ever Seen

Chantal Sébire: Suffered From Esthesioneuroblastoma, Died Through Euthanasia

World's Most Biggest Tumor

A retired French teacher, Chantal Sébire suffered from esthesioneuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer, and fought for the right to die through euthanasia. In 2000, she was diagnosed with esthesioneuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer of which only 200 cases have been reported in the past 20 years. Sébire refused any treatment at the time of her diagnosis, not wishing to take the risk of the surgery or medications. On March 19, 2008, she was found dead in her home. An autopsy conducted on March 21, 2008 concluded that she did not die of natural causes. Subsequent blood tests revealed a toxic concentration of the drug Pentobarbital, a barbiturate that is not available in French pharmacies but is used elsewhere in the world for the purpose of physician assisted suicide.

Huang Chuncai: 44 Pound (20kg) Tumor On His Face

World's Most Biggest Tumor

On 2008, a Chinese man named Huang Chuncai underwent surgery to remove a 20kg or 44 pound tumor on his face. The surgery was successful but due to the large size of the tumor, only a part of it was removed at that time. Just a few days ago, Huang Chuncai went into the operating room again to remove another part of that facial tumor. This time, it was a large 4.5kg (9.9lb) chunk of flesh from his face. The tumor was originally 23kg in total. This still leaves 17.5kg of facial tissue from this tumor on his face (1kg was removed in the first surgery and 4.5kg was removed in the second surgery). Huang Chuncai suffers from Neurofibromatosis, a rare genetic disorder that causes growth on nerve tissues.

Gao An-Ni: Tumor In Her Underlip

World's Most Biggest Tumor

Gao An-ni, an 8-year-old girl from the rural countryside in An Yuan county in East China's Jiangxi Province, suffers from a tumor in her underlip. An-ni was born with a tumor in her underlip, and she couldn't receive timely treatment for the poverty. On 2007, her father took her to see doctors at the Hospital affiliated with Gannan Medical College. But when doctors there told him that the operation to cure the tumor and the following cosmetic surgery might cost a lot for the family, the father decided to bring back his daughter to their hometown.

Jose: The Man With No Face

World's Most Biggest Tumor

Jose has one of the most extreme facial tumours ever seen in medical history. The 51-year-old, from Portugal, is in danger of being suffocated by it unless he undergoes drastic surgery. Unemployed, he is blind in one eye as a result of the giant weeping growth that has consumed his features; the tumour has taken over his mouth and tongue, ballooning his lips, twisting his gums and breaking his teeth off. The deep, 15cm long growth - which started as a birth mark when he was just 11 - was sparked by abnormalities in his capillaries and veins. It started to get much bigger when he hit 16 and has been expanding ever since. H e recently flew to the UK to discuss the possibility of surgery to remove part of the tumour. But because his mother was a Jehovah's Witness, he refused any surgery because his religion means he can't have blood transfusions. Doctors in London came up with a plan to remove parts of the growth bit by bit - without transfusion.

Lai Ti Dao: 10 Pound (4.5KG) Tumor On Her Face

World's Most Biggest Tumor

Vietnam's Lai Ti Dao suffered from a massive Schwannoma tumor, a benign growth that began with a small lump in her tongue but swelled over the years to a size roughly one-third her body weight. The tumor makes it difficult to eat, talk and even walk because its size throws the girl’s small frame off balance. The growth is now dangerously close to cutting off her airway. On 2008, a team of surgeons at the University of Miami had a marathon 10-hour procedure to cut away the growth, which weighted an estimated 10 pounds.

Huang Liqian: 33 Pound (15Kg) Tumor On His Neck

World's Most Biggest Tumor

This man from China finally had a huge tumour removed on 2007, after discovering it 17 years ago. Huang Liqian, 58, first discovered a bizarre growth on the back of his neck in 1990, but chose to ignore it. However, as the years rolled on, it continued to increase in size at a rapid pace, with the growth ballooning to 15kg. Liqian was taken to the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongging University of Medical Services in southwest China's Chongging, where he had the tumour removed.

Phuon: Another Facial Tumor, No Luck

World's Most Biggest Tumor

Phuong is a 27-year old who has a facial tumor that began to grow at age 7, and quickly took over his entire left face, enveloping his eye and ear, clearly keeping him from living a normal life. He has had three surgeries before, but the tumor grown back each time. Recently, no local doctors or international team visiting the area has offered to take his case, due to the risk involved with the blood loss and the need for careful post-op care. This case would be considered a difficult case and booked for a full day in the OR.

Chen Zongtao: 154 Pound (70kg) Tumor On His Right Leg

World's Most Biggest Tumor

Victim Chen Zongtao, 29, lives in a remote Chinese village and hasn't been able to afford medical help. The growth first started on his left foot when he was two years old. But it soon spread across to his right leg and engulfed it. Over the years, it has ballooned in size to weigh more than 70KG or 154 pounds. Doctors at the hospital in Changsha, central China's Hunan province, have been probing the tumor. Zongtao is said to be suffering from neurofibroma - a usually-benign tumour originating in nerves. It is not yet clear if medical teams plan to take action on the growth.
READ MORE - World's Most Biggest Tumors Ever Seen

Mexico’s Bizarre And Creepy Dolls Island

Known as “La Isla de la Munecas”, by the Spanish, The Island of the Dolls is perhaps the creepiest tourist attraction in Mexico. Located within an extensive network of canals, south of Mexico City, the island is a place of mystery and superstition.

Almost every tree growing on the island is decorated with old, mutilated dolls that give anyone the feeling that they’re constantly being watched. The story behind the Island of the Dolls began when a hermit by the name of Don Julian Santana moved here. Although he was married he chose to live the last 50 years of his life alone.

Don Julian used to say he was haunted by the ghost of the little girl who had drowned in one of the canals around the island. Some say he used to fish the dolls from the water because he though they were real children, but the truth is he was collecting and placing them around his home as a shrine for the spirit that tormented him. At one point he even traded home grown fruit and vegetables for old dolls.

Ironically, in 2001 Don Julian Santana was found dead by his nephew, in the same canal that he said the little girl drowned in. Now his Island of the Dolls is one of the world’s weirdest tourist attractions. Some tourists who visited this place claim the dolls whisper and you must offer them a gift upon setting foot on the island, to appease their spirits.
READ MORE - Mexico’s Bizarre And Creepy Dolls Island

Weird illness Proteus Syndrome,John Merrick With Frozen bones

I know this is an illness and yes I have put it under the weird category, the reason for this is because the human body takes so much shit when you think about it, so many illnesses, so many diseases, I mean come on where do these weird illnesses come from. Proteus syndrome is a congenital disorder that causes skin overgrowth and atypical bone development, often accompanied by tumours over half the body. Since Dr. Michael Cohen identified it in 1979, [1] only a few more than 200 cases have been confirmed worldwide, with estimates that about 120 people are currently alive with the condition.[2] There may be many more than this, but those individuals correctly diagnosed usually have the most obvious manifestations of Proteus syndrome, leaving them severely disfigured. Proteus syndrome is named after the Greek sea-god Proteus, who could change his shape.

There was a program about the boy with frozen bones which shows nine year-old Jordan who is full of hope and vitality. But Jordan’s body is not ordinary. He was born with a rare genetic condition called Proteus Syndrome, the same condition that afflicted John Merrick, The Elephant Man.
READ MORE - Weird illness Proteus Syndrome,John Merrick With Frozen bones

Unbelievable - Boxer Antonio Margarito Injured Badly

Boxer Antonio Margarito

I’m not really sure how much honor there is in going an extra round and a half getting beat up like that. Margarito already solidified his reputation for toughness taking a beating the first 10 rounds and still fighting back. Keep in mind, carry a five inch height advantage and 20 pound weight advantage, he got plenty of shots in on Pacquiao who said afterward it was his hardest fight. You couldn’t tell based on Margarito’s beat up face:

Boxer Antonio Margarito

Boxer Antonio Margarito

In 36 minutes he went from looking like a smooth hipster to the parking attendant in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Pac Man straight up rearranged his face.

READ MORE - Unbelievable - Boxer Antonio Margarito Injured Badly

Most Unusual Indian Conjoined Twins Pictures

Mother nature sometimes can be cruel. Take a look at these pictures and you will see how conjoined twins can go wrong in some weird way.

Most Unusual INDIAN Conjoined
Most Unusual INDIAN Conjoined
Most Unusual INDIAN Conjoined
Most Unusual INDIAN Conjoined
Most Unusual INDIAN Conjoined
Most Unusual INDIAN Conjoined
Most Unusual INDIAN Conjoined
Most Unusual INDIAN Conjoined
Most Unusual INDIAN Conjoined
Most Unusual INDIAN Conjoined
READ MORE - Most Unusual Indian Conjoined Twins Pictures