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B O S A N !! jum layan lagu neyhh..
okeyh.. this song.. die pena bagi pada saie.. dalam fone *sayang,sayang.. u search laza morgan,my girl.. bila i dengar lagu tuu,i selalu ingat you.. ;) mase dengar tu.. jerit sakan ! sebab romantik.. OMG,baby.. you make me fall in love everyday okeyhh... ;)
and,tahu lagu neyh lam movie step up.. then ta sangka die pun suka.. ap3 pun.. muhd thaqif asyraf,saya sayangkan awak !

second songs.. this song ! :) barney and friends.. yey ! lagu favorite kami,sblum tido okeyhh.. :)
lirik dia.. i love you.. you love me.. we'r happy family.. with the great big hug,and kiss from me to you..
won't you say you love me too...
S W E E T kannn? against i love you muhd thaqif asyraf !