Blog Archive

Is Spring here yet?

I am sure I heard on the radio that this weekend marks the beginning of spring, with that thought in mind I was imaging a beautiful weekend with plenty of sunshine and warm weather. Not quiet like that, so I'm turning to these beautiful spring coloured photos for inspiration, has spring arrived for you?

I was also tagged by the lovely n a t s u m i, who has the sweetest drawings. Some rules: step 1: Respond & rework-answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own. step 2: Tag-eight other un-tagged people. Now onto the questions:

What are you wearing now? navy jumper, black skinny jeans

How often do you blog? Everyday, spending around 2-5 hrs each day!

Who was the last person you hugged? My friend

Which item from your closet are you wearing most lately?My purple shirt/t-shirt top

What's for dinner? I just had pizza, yum!

What was the last thing you bought? well apart from food, a heart shaped red framed sunglasses

What are you listening to right now? nothing but I'm watching QI on BBC

If you could have any super power, what would it be?
To be Luphia! Luphia is actually the name of a fictional character of my favorite computer game since I was 10 (did I mention I'm a geek? :), a heroine and a goddess, more about her later...

What is your favorite weather, and why?
Early summer, when it's sunny and not so hot, around 25C.

What time do you usually get up? 8:10 am and running late most mornings for my 9am lectures

What is your most challenging goal right now? Trying to setup my little business! (nearly there...)

Say something to the person who tagged you: Her drawings are the cutest!

If you could have a house-totally paid for, fully furnished-anywhere in the world, where you want it to be?
That's a hard question! Unrealistically Paris or Venice! Realistically London or Bath.

Favorite vacation spot? Europe and China

Name the things you cannot live without:
So many! Family, friends, my laptop, internet, clothes shops!

What movies can you watch over and over?
All my fav movies are dramas hence a bit too sad to watch often but I do love Big Fish.

What is your favorite tea flavor? Earl Gray

and I am tagging: Being High Maintenance, not Bitchy ; Cafe Fashionista ; captivateme ; CHIC Sensibility ; Design Dig ; Dolce Chic ; GOSSIP STYLE VINTAGE official blog ; on dressing up ;

and the important news! The winner of the Paul & Joe makeup giveaway, drum roll please... ps: please turn your computer volumn down as somehow the background music (and seagull noises) became quite squeaky !

Congratulations Shini! I will contact you shortly for deliver address.

Don't be too disappointed, as there will be more giveaways this month, stay tuned! :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend my dearest readers, xx

(images 1st by toriginal others by Rebecca Thuss )

READ MORE - Is Spring here yet?

Hooked on: Vintage Linen Pillows

{Ludwigas Linen}

I have always loved all things vintage, whether it's vintage clothes, vintage typewriters or my current love vintage linen. Their simple yet elegant designs speaks to my heart, and it is also eco-chic!

{Beyond France}

How about these beauties made from old grain sacks? I just adore the design!

{top left: Ernst and Thistle bottom right: Vintage Weave others: MFV53}

What do you all think my dearest readers, do these lovely pillows have a place in your home? :) Oh, I've also joined the Hooked on Friday party, check out what others are hooked on here.

Happy Friday! I will be back tomorrow for a post of the new series {Styling Luphia}, so if you get bored, you can always come and visit me in blogland? ;)

I wish I am in Paris, care to join me? Just look at the photos and imagine... xx

(fashion photos by Thomas Klementsson)

READ MORE - Hooked on: Vintage Linen Pillows

From a Different Point of View

Shall we get straight to the point? Ok, here it is. I am old fashioned and I LOVE carpets, especially in the bedroom. They may not be the most trendy flooring option, but they're warm, soft and let's face it, UK is not a warm country so we need all the heat & dryness we can get!

I was recently introduced to this great new website Fun on the Floor, which has lots of inspiring ideas for carpet flooring, covering a wide range of looks in their lookbook, whether it's a boudoir or a minimalist style you love.

An idea or DIY your old chest of draws? How yummy is that shade of yellow!

Are you thinking about taking an office carbinet home? ;)

I love how these images focus on the floor so you can get a feel how different colours would work

there's plenty of inspiration for decoration ideas too, what a great idea to use an antique chest as a coffe table! Now I just need to find that $5 chest from a flee market, any suggestions? ;)

I don't usually post kids related things but how fun is this room!

This is my favorite room, I just love the vintage feel and books on the floor? I do that already :)

So what's your view on carpet? Just in the bedroom, living room or none at all? I'd love to hear what you think :) xx

(images Fun on the Floor)
READ MORE - From a Different Point of View

Dreaming of a Studio like this

This little studio would be my perfect creative space, it would be located at an old factory converted building, with white floors and white painted brick walls,

filled with vintage finds and pretty objects

with a chaise longue for relaxing time while catching up on my favorite magazines, and the wall as the inspiration board, two vintage red phones sit on the table, one for business use, one for personal use, of course ;)

as for the guests? a wide selection of comfy sitting choices to choose from

If this were my creative studio, I think I'll never get out of here! :)

(image by Janne Peters)

READ MORE - Dreaming of a Studio like this

{Beauty Tuesday}: Paul & Joe Review & Giveaway!

Hello dearest readers, I'm afraid there will be no Beauty Interview today, you're stuck with me instead but I do have a giveaway to make it up to you ;)

I am a huge fan of Paul & Joe Beauty products, not only do they have the most wonderful vintage packaging, the quality of the products doesn't disappoint either. This is an example where judging a "book" by its cover actually paid off for me! :)

Now onto the products review, I have only used a few of their products as they're not the cheapest and I have to get them from London or online. But whenever I want to treat myself I know just the brand that would do the trick.

1. Creamy Power Compact Foundation - this is more of a foundation than a pressed power as it is more mosied and gives better coverage, the power itself is really fine, on a similar level as a Dior or Chanel power foundation. The colours are flattering too.
2. Nail Enamel - lovely colours, long lasting (I always wear nail colours with base & top coats, it really makes it last much longer), and of course beautiful packaging!
3. Lip Gloss - I love the brush applicator in these lip glosses, the texture is also light as I don't really like heavy lip gloss.
4. Eye Colour - gorgeous colours, long lasting, I especially like the little mirror in each eye shadow case.

Overall, pushing the packaging aside, the Compact Foundation and Lip Gloss is better than the Nail Enamel & Eye Colour in comparision with other products I feel, but it is so hard not to fall for the sweet packaging... Ok, I'll stop talking about it ;)

Also you can get some really pretty computer wallpapers on their site, like this!

Now for the most exciting part - the Giveaway !

What's up for grabs? Two gorgeous Eye Colour in 18 (smokey grey) and 84 (grape), plus one Nail Colour in a gold/beige shimmer shade, total worth more than £35/$55! They'll all come with their pretty boxes too, i.e. all brand new but the grey shadow has been tested once by me as I was going to keep this for myself, but it turns out the colour is too similar to another eye colour I already have so I'm putting this in the giveaway too.

How to enter? Just leave a comment below stating your current favorite blog {apart from Luphia loves, just to make the choice harder for you ;) }.

I am also giving a little extra advantage to my lovely followers, if you left a comment below & also follows Luphia loves, you will get two entries in the prize draw, hence doubling your chances! So if you're not following Luphia loves yet, now maybe a good time? ;) The deadline is Friday 10pm GMT. Good luck!

{giveaway courtesy of a little business I'm currently working on, will reveal soon}

(images from Paul & Joe Beauté)
READ MORE - {Beauty Tuesday}: Paul & Joe Review & Giveaway!

Gossip Girl Style

The title is a little misleading I suppose, this won't be on "the best outfits of Gossip Girl" since plenty of amazing bloggers have done this already, instead I'm presenting you a series of stunning photo shoots that resemble the Gossip Style, hope you won't be too disappointed ;)

If staying in education means going to a grand school built in the 19th century, wearing fabulous clothes and amazing heels, I think I may stay as a student forever! :)

Now on to a litte discussion about the Oscars red carpet, I have to say I was a little disappointed overall, sure there were lots of big fabulous gowns as always but I usually fall for the more colourful and chic dresses.

My favorite this year is Natalie Portman, I adore this girl to bits anyway so maybe a little biased, to me she's the perfect package as a young woman, beautiful (inside & out), intelligent, down to earth, stylish and care about important issues in this world. Evan Rachel Wood also looks very elegant in the Saab nude gown. Miley Cyrus's dress is a litte too much for me on the red carpet but if I was 5 again that mermaid dress would definitely be my fav! ;)

As mentioned yesterday I received three blog awards last week from these fantastic blogs: Captivate Me , Under Lock and Key and Pearls, Peonies, and Ponderings. Now it's the time to pass them on! See I'm doing a mini "Blog Oscars" myself ;) , I have way too many favorites so this time I'm going to concentrate mostly on some new fabulous blogs that I discovered recently!

Your Blog is Fabulous! goes to *Felinofelice , camilla at home , la couturier & Mademoisselle Chic

I {heart} your blog goes to Creme de la Mode , D!RTY LAUNDRY , Daisy Pink Cupcake , FRENCH ESSENCE , Hooked on Houses , january & Make Room for Living

Proximidade award goes to The Drifter and the Gypsy , :: Lime in the Coconut :: , Design Dig , Diamondcanopy , essenceanddesire , Fashionably Early , GOSSIP STYLE VINTAGE , two ellie , Eyes of Me & A Wedding Cabaret

Forgot to say earlier, who's on your best dressed list from the Oscars?

(photo shoots by Baldovino Barani, red capet images from

READ MORE - Gossip Girl Style

Vintage Friday: Piksi Style

I have a serious girl crush on Piksi at Flickr, why? Just look at her, I love her amazing vintage style, her always perfect platinum blonde hair, her red lips and Wayfarers, her picture perfect photos ... I wish I'm this stylish!

How gorgeous is this girl? I will definitely be following her on Flickr!

Have a lovely weekend everyone, it's warm and sunny outside and I can so smell the spring! xx

via my spinning wheels

(images from piksi)
READ MORE - Vintage Friday: Piksi Style

I do like Tea

While taking a break from the coursework that is currently taking over my life - it's amazing how in programme coding a little missing "," can make your life so miserable! I discovered the amazinly talented Tabitha behind Tabitha Emma, her illustrations are so beautiful and sweet I wanted to buy her whole shop!

I love her tea themed illustrations the best as I know if I looked at any of her cute cupcake illustrations I'll get hungry ;)

How pretty are these teacups? I am putting this at the top of my wishlist!

I couldn't leave without buying a thing so I bought this sweet little calendar, ONLY $1.50! Shame the other two designs sold out otherwise I would so buy all three! :)

I feel like I need some tea now, and maybe with some cakes ;)

(images from tabidesigns)

READ MORE - I do like Tea

Half of a Dream Apartment

Having spend more than 70% of my life living in apartments, it's no surpise that I love apartments and can imagine myself in one more easily than big houses. Recently I've come across some beautiful photos that put together is half of my dream apartment!

Would you like a small tour?
Yes we hang keys on ribbons in this house ;)

Still needs to add some colour to the living room but this is a pretty corner don't you think? oh, and you can't see it but in the centre is a cream Chesterfield :)

and this is the guest room where cute chocolates are left on the sidetable each evening

welcome to the master bedroom, or I like to call it "the Princess's room" !

I'm still looking for kitchen & bathrooms inspirations but the flat is getting there don't you think? How I wish I'm living there right now!

(all images by Anna Kern)

READ MORE - Half of a Dream Apartment

{Beauty Tuesday}: Beauty Interview with Anne

Hello everyone or should I say: Good morning to those of you in the US, Canada & South America, Good Afternoon to those in Europe & Africa and Good Evening to those in Asia & Australia, ok did I get that right? ;)

Today's Beauty Tuesday Interview is with the ever so talented, stylish and lovely Anne Sage from The City Sage. Not only does Anne have the best taste, she writes so beautifully too, and her posts are truely a joy to read.

Q: Could you give us a summary of your experience with beauty products?

I am an absolute product junkie. I recently moved house and had to get rid of boxes and boxes of lotions and potions that I had bought, used half of, and then tired of. I love trying new products, and I'm always mixing up my routine---perhaps even to the detriment of my skin. But going to a store like Sephora really is the adult version of a candy store, and who doesn't love candy?

Q: What is your skin type and what do you look for in skincare products?

I think my skin type is best described as 'confused'. I break out at the drop of a hat, but I also get red, dry and flakey quite easily. The worst part is that products designed to treat one issue seem to exacerbate the other, so I'm on an eternal hunt for a magic elixir that will keep my skin clear, smooth and hydrated.

Q: What is your top beauty secret or product?

1. My top beauty secret? Get a good facialist. I'm not talking about someone who will massage you into a relaxed state; I mean find an aesthetician who pokes and prods your skin into submission and then puts you on a strict home regime. I go to Polina at Flying Beauticians in San Francisco. When I told her I was a little bit scared of her she said, 'Good!' Because I'm on a tight budget I haven't had a facial in a while, and it really shows; my skin looks and feels so neglected

Q: Name 3 other favorite skincare products and why?

1. Farmaesthetics Fine Herbal Cleanser- I can't live without my mid-day face wash. I start to feel so grimy around 2 pm and I just want to splash it all away! That's why I love this cleanser—it leaves your skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated, but it's still gentle enough for frequent use. The scent is like rubbing your nose in an herb garden, and trust me that's a good thing!

2. Astara Daily Refining Scrub- I've had microdermabrasion only once, and I couldn't believe how soft and glowy it made my complexion. When I tried this scrub, I was thrilled to discover that it's the next best thing to a $300 spa treatment! It buffs away even the most stubborn dull spots with a blend of lactic acid and diatomaceous earth from the depths of the sea, then soothes with comfrey, chamomile and aloe. I will definitely be replacing this scrub when I use it all up—the true test of how great a product is!

3. Naturopatica Environmental Defense Mask- I adore masks; they're like bringing a little piece of the spa into your home. The ingredient list on this one reads more like a gourmet meal than like a skincare product; extracts of black cherry, pomegranate, tomatoes and red wine leave your pores feeling expunged of every possible toxin. It's a little pricey so I've been applying this mask sparingly for the past 18 months, but I just used my last blob over the weekend and it was a sad moment indeed!

Q: If you wear makeup, what are your top 3 favorite products?

1. Chantecaille Future Skin Foundation- I'm a big fan of make-up that also benefits your skin, and this one takes top prizes in my book. An oil-free gel forumulation with extracts of sea botanicals, it blends immediately, never looks cakey or shiny, and feels like a quenching drink for your skin. My face almost audibly sighs when I brush on this foundation.

2. Clinique Almost Make-up- On days when I don't want the coverage of a full foundation but my skin isn't clear enough to go out bare faced, I reach for Clinique's Almost Make-up. It subtly evens out my skin tone, yet unlike a tinted moisturizer it doesn't give me the greasies. As well, I appreciate the extra layer of SPF 15 protection.

3. NARS Lip Gloss/Lip Stain Duo- This is an awesome bang for your buck: wear the stain or the gloss alone, or pair them together for a completely different effect! NARS does color so beautifully, and the shades here are no exception. I especially love the Turkish Delight/Sayonara duo. The former is a Dusty Springfield mod nude pink, and the second is like a rosier, healthier version of your own lip color. But really I could shop everything at the NARS counter for hours!

Q: (optional) Are there any other products that you love but have not mentioned above?

Are there any other products that you love but have not mentioned above? I feel like the products I haven't mentioned could fill an encyclopedia! But a few that I swear by include:

1. Origins Organics Silkening Body Spritz- Spray this essential oil blend on your legs after you shave—you will feel like the sexiest creature on earth. It contains clove and rose oils, and the scent is what I imagine a medieval courtesan would have smelled like.

2. Neutrogena Sunless Tanning Spray Micro Mist- I am extraordinarily pale by nature and need help to feel confident wearing shorts in the summer. In the past I used a Clarins self-tanner but it was expensive and I had to wander the house naked and sticky while I waited for it to dry. Thank goodness for Neutrogena! Their spray tanner gives a really convincing glow, it dries on contact, and the spray applicator lets you target those hard to reach spots. What's more, the application is 100% hands-free: no more orange knuckles!

3. Glysomed Hand Cream- I spend several hours a day in the kitchen, which means I wash my hands a lot. This is the only cream that heals my dry, cracked cuticles, and it's very reasonably priced. Plus the cute packaging is such a terrific homage to Swiss International Style. I feel very design-y when I see it on the windowsill next to my sink. It's not available in the U.S. as far as I know, so I have my mother-in-law ship it to me in bulk!

Thanks so much Anne for sharing your beauty secrets! The Origins Silk Spritz and the Chanteaille Foundations sounds devine, who doesn't want to feel like the sexiest creature on earth right? ;)

(images from corresponding links)

READ MORE - {Beauty Tuesday}: Beauty Interview with Anne

Tim's Wonderland

I have to confess I am not a big magazine reader these days, reading on the internet is much easier for me than sitting there with a magazine reading till my neck hurts. That doesn't mean I don't love magazines, I still read them when I'm on the train and buy them every now and then.

I recently bought the March issue of Vogue UK, which I find is a bit of a hit & miss. Some issues I absolutely love, while other issues makes me think I should've bought something else instead. This month's issue is definitely a hit for me, simple because it feasure two photo series by the amazinly talented Tim Walker. He is definitely one my of fav photographers and I am always in love with his fairytale like photo shoots.

The 40's inspired looks and the styling in this series is so stunning. {sorry for my poor photo quality}

Some of my favorites from his portfolio: {Trust me, this is already a small selection! }

Put simply, the man can do no wrong in my book!

(images by Tim Walker)

READ MORE - Tim's Wonderland