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{Beauty Tuesday}: Beauty Interview with Courtney

Today, we have the lovely Courtney from Under A Paper Moon joining us to share her beauty secrets. Courtney has worked in wedding and event floral design for the past five years and writes the most beautiful themed posts per week, don't forget to check out her wedding wednesdays either, they're packed with wonderful ideas and photos!

Q: Could you give us a summary of your experience with beauty products?Hmmm, can I just talk about lip products?

I am what you might call a bit of a fiend for them-- perhaps this is because the first adult cosmetic product I owned was a clear Cover Girl Lipslicks Lipgloss (A)! I can still remember the day I bought it with my mom; I was in fifth grade, and I felt like such a grown-up carrying the lipgloss around. I must say I've been hooked on lip products ever since.

Really though, I would say that I run two extremes with my beauty product experiences; I either am extremely loyal to a product or I switch products constantly. When I've found one that I like, I will use it forever, but I also have certain types of products where I will find myself constantly wanting to try new and different brands-- I will switch every time I need more of that item.

Q:What is your skin type and what do you look for in skincare products?

My skin type is normal/combination, but it is also a bit sensitive. I look for products that seem to work well on my skin and don't cause irritation, yet are also affordable-- not that I won't splurge on products, but I also don't yet have a budget suited for using La Mer on a daily basis (although, trust me, I am certainly curious about it!)

Q:What is your top beauty secret or product?

I have two things that rather go hand in hand. When I smile in photos, my eyes often look very small. Before a big evening out, I will smudge white eyeliner in the inner corner of my eyes and use an eyelash curler, which I zap with my hairdryer on low heat for about 5 seconds to make the curling even easier. I swear these things helps brighten my entire eye area and make my eyes look bigger in photos when I smile.

My top beauty product would have to be Smith's Rosebud Salve (B) - I put this on my lips so many times a day, I might be a bit of an addict! I love how soft it makes my lips feel, and it adds such a great touch of subtle gloss. I will layer this over or under a lip color, but most often, I wear it alone. This salve also works wonders on dry skin; in the winter, I will find myself using it on my cuticles and dry patches on my hands. It also claims to help treat diaper rashes and blemishes, but I've yet to put either of those to the test.

Q:Name 3 other favorite skincare products and why?

1. Like I mentioned above, I can get extremely loyal to a brand/product, and one case of that is with Oil of Olay. I have been using their moisturizer for as long as I can remember, and for the last number of years, I've used Olay Complete All Day UV Moisture Lotion with SPF 15 for Sensitive Skin. I use this moisturizer every day, and, on average days, I am not outside a lot, so I am happy to get my SPF coverage with my moisturizer. Of course, on days when I am going to be outside more frequently or for a longer period of time, I will use an additional, higher SPF, but for most days this moisturizer is all I use.

2. Face wash is one of the products I find myself switching more frequently than others, but in the last few months I've been using Purity Made Simple- One-Step Facial Cleanser- by Philosophy. It is absolutely my new favorite, and I think I will be sticking with this one for a long time. It is gentle, yet it leaves my skin feeling so clean. It also easily removes my eye makeup, which is a big plus for me-- I am all for anything that saves me a bit of time. And a little of the cleanser seems to go a long way, so, although it is a bit more expensive than some face washes, it seems like it will last me a lot longer than most as well.

3. The last spot is a tie for my two favorite body lotions (I know, that means four products!) The first, Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Body Moisturizer, is another product that I've been loyal to for a long time; I have used it for over 10 years now, and it's especially great in winter when my skin is drier than other times of the year. The second, Johnson & Johnson's 24 Hour Moisterizer(4), I started using probably three years ago, and I have been hooked on it ever since. It feels really light, it doesn't irritate my skin- even when I use it immediately after shaving my legs- and it makes my skin so soft. I really can't tell you how much I love it!

Q:If you wear makeup, what are your top 3 favorite products?

1. CARGO Lip Gloss. They have a such a wide variety of wearable shades that provide the nicest bit of color on your lips. It doesn't last a super long time, but I don't mind reapplying every few hours or after I eat. I also love the silver tins they use for packaging, although my collection is starting to make it difficult to zip the little makeup pouch I carry in my handbag.

2. DuWop Lip Venom- Because of the burn that comes along with it, putting this stuff on always feels a bit like a dare (in fact, I constantly dare my husband to put it on, but he's yet to take me up on it.) I have to say, I am addicted to the shine and gloss of this product, and ok, so, sometimes the burn is a bit nice too-- it makes me think that my lips are looking fuller, even if that might not be the case!

3. Another tie (sorry, I should have mentioned I am bad with favorites!) I love both of these products for the nice bit of color they add to my cheeks.Smashbox O-Glow. This adds the most perfect bit of flush to your skin, although a little does go a long way. Maybelline Dream Mousse Blush in Peach Satin. The texture of this product was a little strange to me at first, but the texture seems to make it even easier to blend. I've been using this blush for around three years now, and, most days, I use a small touch of this on top of bronzer. I feel like it adds a healthy glow to my skin.

Q: (optional) Are there any other products that you love but have not mentioned above?

I am a huge fan of Bumble and Bumble products. I love their Curl Conscious (1) line because my hair is naturally wavy (which is a generous definition-- it is not straight, but it's not curly either!) I also love their Creme de Coco shampoo and conditioner- it smells deliciously like the beach!- their Gentle shampoo and Super Rich conditioner, and I could go on!

I also really like Pureology's Purify Shampoo and Hydrate Conditioner (2). My hair feels so clean when I use them, and a huge added bonus is that their products are vegan, as well as evironmentally-friendly.

Finally, because I have nights when washing my face is the last thing I want to do, I adore products like Olay Daily Facials Express (3) so that when I feel so tired, I can still be good to myself and my skin!

Thanks so much Courtney for sharing your beauty secrets and favs with us, I have seen Smith's Rosebud Salve receiving good reviews a couple of times and you have definitely convinced me to try it! Also running out of face wash and the Philosophy one is looking very appealing to me now!

Should be back with another interview next week & then tried & tested the week after, so stay tuned my lovely readers! xx

(images from linked sources)