Strange Toilet Paper Roll Sculptures by Junior Jacquet

Since childhood, Junior Fritz Jacquet is fascinated by the paper. He explores and experiments with different techniques of folding and crumpling to create new forms and poetic objects that decorate his life.

While he makes a lot of different artworks from paper (you can find them here), my attention was caught by his weird toilet paper roll sculptures.

Who could have thought that those toilet paper rolls that we use to throw away into a garbage bin, could be turned into fascinating face sculptures?

Oh, and the best thing is that you can make them while sitting comfortably on your toilet!

READ MORE - Strange Toilet Paper Roll Sculptures by Junior Jacquet

Top 5 weird devil animals

The devil animals I am going to list down are not the pets of some furious and ancient monsters we have been hearing about since our childhood. Clearing this out only because I myself thought of them to be some fire breathing and ugly looking wacky creatures until I finally googled to get more closer to reality. Well these animals are not even devilish by nature but their brute appearance counts for their rather unfriendly name sure to get a frowning expression for the first time you hear about them. They are weird no doubt but they are unusual devil animals and hence on my list.

Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus)

An amazing Australian reptile quite evidently owes its name to the thorns on its body. The mini dragon grows up to 20 cm (8 in) in length and can live up to 20 years. It can camouflage according to the desert shades and its thorny scales are a defense against predators. What is more interesting about the creature is that it consumes any droplet that falls on its body. The drop runs down the body of the creature and is channeled to its mouth. The small thorny devil can eat some thousands of ants in one day.

Hickory Horned Devil

The Hickory horned devil is a caterpillar of the Regal Moth, a North American moth in the saturniidae family. It looks dangerous with its horns and thorns but is harmless like any other caterpillars. The spines, though prickly, do not sting. The huge black-tipped red horns are actually borne during their sixth and final development stage and grow upto 15cm long. Just before pupation it changes its color to turquoise and burrow into the dirt to pupate in a well formed chamber.

African devil flower mantis

It is one of the largest species of praying mantis that mimic flowers. Bionomically known as Idolomantis diabolica, It is very large mantis from East Africa and is a true devil mantis. From L2 nymphs it may take up to 1 year for females to reach maturity at 25-30C. It is also referred as the “King of all mantids” for the obvious reason; its beauty, size and rarity. They feed primarily on flying insects like houseflies, moths, butterflies, beetles etc and never take to ground dwellers, such as crickets, locusts and others.

Sand devil

Sand devil, contrary to its name is an angel shark of the family Squatinidae found in the subtropical outer continental shelf and upper slopes of the western Atlantic. But both of its names have nothing to speak of its behavior. Although they are not normally aggressive and do not attack but they do bite when stepped on or handled and can inflict nasty lacerations with its trap-like jaws and pointed teeth. The scientific name of the sand devil shark is Squatina dumeril. There are a few small but prominent thorns on the snout while the creature feeds on small bottom fishes, crustaceans and bivalves.

Tasmanian devil

These are the largest living carnivorous marsupials from dry eucalyptus forests and brush in Tasmania. A Tasmanian devil is a robustly-built, small dog with powerful jaws and a set of large, strong teeth that allows it to eat almost every part of the carcass, including the hide and the skull. It is characterized by its black fur with white markings on the neck , a pungent odour when stressed, extremely loud and disturbing screech, and ferocity when feeding. It kills animals for food but prefers carrion (dead meat that it finds). If you find a devil with a thin tail it means he is probably unhealthy as these animals store body fat in their tail.

READ MORE - Top 5 weird devil animals

Hanya Aku..

..hari ni,aq kecewa sangat..hmmm..ntah lar... :(
aq ta patut suka kan 'dia' ta ptt menaruh hati ku pada 'dia'..semuanya tak patut..mulai hari ini,aq berjanji pada diri aq sendiri,y aq akan jauh dari 'dia'..dan semua nya akan kembali seperti biasa..semoga Allah swt mendengar doa ku..''jika dia untuk aku,kau temukanlah kami,dan jika dia bukan untuk ku,kau tunjukkan lah aq jalan yang benar'' aminn..
..Izah,aku yakin kamo boleh..biarkan kecewa sekarang dari kecewa kmudian hari.. :) aq da ta taw na wat aper..mggu depan da exam..satu ape pun ta bace..hmmm,pening pening.. actually,aq masih sayangkan bidang nurse aq..tapi,aq ta dapat na truskan..hmmmm,mungkin ada hikmah..ta semestinya rezeki kita hanya di situ..kita hanya mampu berusaha dan berdoa..ta seharusnya menyalahkan diri sendiri..manusia masing masing mempunyai kelebihan dan minat memasak..n tulis essay yang aq krangkan sendiri..InsyaAllah,jika aq ada masa aq akan share kan bersama kamo semua,cerita apa y aq pena karangkan..NURSE..?bagi aq,seorang pekerja y mulia..dan aq sangat berbangga kerana pernah membantu seorang pesakit yang tiba tiba saja,die tidak sedrkan diri(di hospital jerantut)..tapi,Allah swt lebih sayangkan dia berbanding kita semua..pernah juga,aq menangis..ketawa..bersama mereka y sakit..
..paling aq tidak lupa,kpada 'abg'..yang sehingga kini terlantar tidak mengatahui ap apa..dia terlibat dengan kemalangan motosikal..tempatnya,aq lupa di mana..dan doktor dapati otak kiri nya cedera teruk..Hanya Allah swt sahaja yang tahu perasaan aq apabila mendengar cerita tragis itu,,ia mengingatkan aq kepada seorang hamba Allah swy yang pernah mengalami kemalangan sehingga dia kehilangan sesuatu yang berharga dalam kehidupannya..iaitu mata..dia kehilangan satu matanya dalam kemalangan itu..
..bermula lah kisah aq bersama amat mencintai nya..demi Allah swt,aq terima dia dengan seadanya walaupun keadaan dia begitu..kami susah senang bersama,dan segalanya kami kongsi bersama..hampir setahun..tapi,semuanya musnah secara tiba tiba..dan sehingga kini,aq masih ta mampu untuk menerima cinta lelaki lain..tapi,aq ta sanggup untuk dilukakan lagi..we only 19th..jadi,aq membuat keputusan agar aq bersendirian,dan mencapai cita cita aq sehingga ke garis penamat..InsyaAllah aq akan jaga diri qu sebaek mungkin..kerana aq taw..

¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥ Pretty heart

Semua yang berdosa ada masa depan, dan semua yang soleh ada masa silam.Yang membezakan adalah mereka yang insaf dan berubah....

..dan kepada 'Dia',aq harapkan dia menjumpai seorang wanita yang sempurna..dan,aq akan mendoakan kebahagiaan mu bersama insan lain..aminn..

READ MORE - Hanya Aku..

Kesayangan ku dilahirkan pada 21.jun.1991 oleh mama ku yang tercinta iaitu Pn,Norasmara bt Ismail..dibesarkan dalam kelurga yang cukup sempurna di mata aku yang diketuai oleh ayah ku yang tersayang En.Abd Rahim B, Bilal Noh..aku didampingi oleh kekanda aku yang bernama Azmi Rais,Ramzan,Rasyida serta Rafidah..Alhamdulillah,mereka sudah berkahwin dan masing masing mempunyai seorang isteri yang cantik,suami yang berjaya serta anak anak yang sangat comel,hensem like mak su nya..:) kecuali kakanda aku,Rafidah yang belum berkahwin..kami kembar..dan aq amat menyanyangi keluarga hidup mati ku ini..diharap kelurga yang dibina atas dasar cinta ibu dan bapa ku ini kekal hingga ke akhir hayat..amin..

..ayahku..seorang yang sangat meyayangi aku dan abang abangku..dialah permata hati aq..ntah bagaimana rupanya jika dia tiada lagi di sisi aq..ayah seorang yang berjaya dalam hidup..bekerja sebagai seorang guru..dan kini,hampir bbrapa dekat ayah telah bersara..i'm proud to be your daughter papa.. :)

..mamaku..seorang suri rumah yang berjaya..aduhhh,kuat berleter..but,berleter die ada sayangkan mama aq..ape sahaja kemahuan aq,mama dan ayah akan turutkan..Alhamdulillah..Aq bersyukur ke hadrat Ilahi,atas kurniaan seorang ibu yang cukup sempurna yang tiada galang gantinya hingga ke akhir hayatku ini..

..Alhamdulillah,abang dan kakak ku boleh dikatakan berjaya dalam hidup..mempunyai kelurga yang sempurna,dan bahagia.. aku harapkan mereka bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat bersama insan tersayang..dan jgan lupa doakan kebahagiaan dan kejayaan adik mu yang baru 19 tahun mengenal dunia ini..

..kakak kembarku..sangat nakal,tapi pandai..:) kami sama segalanya..muka badan perangai dan segalanya..kami kongsi segalanya..suka duka,dan bila aq menangis dia akan menangis sekali..boleh dikatakan kami tiada,kita perlu ingat..tiada sesipapun dalam dunia ini sempurna dan sama dalam segalanya,pasti ada bedanya..

..Aina Syahira,Aina Batrisya,Aina Alessya,Qaisara Amany,Qairaa Alleya,Ahmad Daniel,serta Aidil Zikri adalah nama nama indah anak sudara aq..diharap mereka menjadi seorang insan yang berjaya dalam hidup mereka..mak su doakan yang terbaek untuk kamo sayang semua..muahhhxs..


READ MORE - Kesayangan ku

Floating Light

READ MORE - Floating Light

A Beautiful Nest

wish my home was like this!

{source: forgot to save, any ideas?}

READ MORE - A Beautiful Nest

Strange Gilpin Family Whisky Made from Refined Diabetic Urine

Gilpin Family Whisky If you are a diabetes patient “sweet urine” can be used to make whisky!

A London-based designer James Gilpin, made “Gilpin Family Whisky” using the high-sugar urine produced by elderly diabetes patients, including the urine of his grandmother

James Gilpin, who is also a diabetes patient, filters the high-sugar urine using the same processes used to purify water, removing the sugars in the process, which are then used in the fermentation stages.

If you are thinking to buy this exclusive “pee whisky,” too bad because Gilpin is not planning to market it commercially; it’s more of an art project for him.

So, what you can do now is to use your high-sugar urine to produce some special and luxury whisky to serve your guests when they visit you. I believe they will love it and thank you so much…but “No, Thanks!” from me.

READ MORE - Strange Gilpin Family Whisky Made from Refined Diabetic Urine

Ready to Start

I am so ready to start the weekend!

{by Jesy}

READ MORE - Ready to Start

Weird and Inappropriate stamp

READ MORE - Weird and Inappropriate stamp