♥loving,honest, careful,and stronger♥

one month already..          

 i'm so jealous. ahahah. so,tpyahh laa bkin aq jealous . and mndekati dy    dgn lbeyy rapat laa . 
youu wanna die . (DEKAT2 laa nan dy)

24th SEPTEMBER 2010
i wanna taken (!) by him . woww . yeahh mybe msihh fresh lg HAHA^
ofcoze , bleble mse ktowgg akn BREAK . tpy , i wishh i and thaqif we will together .
as long he want HAHA^ you all jealous aq nan dy pegii blahh laa .
 tpyahh na mmkak! na hncurr kn
uma tngga owgg . BERDOSA FAHAM!! 

dear: my love ;)
i wanna youu know i realy loveyouu . taw ! yeahh .i justtt na u taw jek i mmg sygs kn youu baby ! i never lets youu go until i die .
sygs ...pleaseplease !take care you'r self okeyy ...i hope youu will be fine . baby !
i still pray with youu . somedays i can meet with youu . and all my dream can be true ,
i'm so sorry .if,i nie nakal and slalu buat youu susahh hati . em , if youu dont like wht i'm doing .
just nasihat i oke .i ta maraa pun . muahhmuahh!!! baby , youu jgn mndua kn i okeyy .
em , mne laa taw . oneday you jemu nan i . and you leave me alone . wahh:(
i'm so scared if youu leave me alone sygs . i realy need you ;( thaqif .
i hope youu think wht i'm think and hope youu feel wht i'm feel with youu sygs .
muahh (!) ILOVEYOUU<3