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♥♥ comeback♥♥

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

.........alhamdulillah.. finally izah ada ksempatan wrote this entry :) and,now musim final exam. last Monday,alhamdulillah paper introduction of research in nursing done :) perform ? tawakal saja,lepas kita usaha :) thanks my lovely kids, ahmad daniel and aidil zikri to hafal step research yang masuk dlam exam tu ! :) yeyyy.and ahad nei paper anatomy and physiology 2.. continue emergency with  community nursing and history of nursing.. lastly leadership and management :) carry mark? so far,izah masih tersenyum. and,need work hard to perform final. insyaAllah :) ♥ 

p/s : another 48hour izah and thaqif going to one year. ya allah,tasabar nya ! :)
iloveyoub,and imissyousomuchh :)   and my HS110,izah ta sempat msuk lagi pict kita kat PSY ya ! sorry babe ! mungkin next entry yaaa :)

prince of thaqif asyraf