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From a Different Point of View

Shall we get straight to the point? Ok, here it is. I am old fashioned and I LOVE carpets, especially in the bedroom. They may not be the most trendy flooring option, but they're warm, soft and let's face it, UK is not a warm country so we need all the heat & dryness we can get!

I was recently introduced to this great new website Fun on the Floor, which has lots of inspiring ideas for carpet flooring, covering a wide range of looks in their lookbook, whether it's a boudoir or a minimalist style you love.

An idea or DIY your old chest of draws? How yummy is that shade of yellow!

Are you thinking about taking an office carbinet home? ;)

I love how these images focus on the floor so you can get a feel how different colours would work

there's plenty of inspiration for decoration ideas too, what a great idea to use an antique chest as a coffe table! Now I just need to find that $5 chest from a flee market, any suggestions? ;)

I don't usually post kids related things but how fun is this room!

This is my favorite room, I just love the vintage feel and books on the floor? I do that already :)

So what's your view on carpet? Just in the bedroom, living room or none at all? I'd love to hear what you think :) xx

(images Fun on the Floor)