The lovely Rachel of dwellings and décor tagged me a while ago to post one interior image that encompasses my interior design style. The trouble is I haven't come across such ONE image, so instead I'm expressing my dream home via the following recipe
The main ingredient is a dreamy white canvas, white walls & white painted wooden floors... with a touch of modern elegance, the sofa of choice would be sectional (or maybe chesterfield?)
The main ingredient is a dreamy white canvas, white walls & white painted wooden floors... with a touch of modern elegance, the sofa of choice would be sectional (or maybe chesterfield?)
blend in some country opulence
with another sprinkle of clean modern interiors in the ways of colour pop & large artwork
and finally add the finish touches... a few plants as the "garden" as this is my dream apartment
and the most important part of the furnishing & decoration is adding colour! and of course many framed prints are also required :)
(images in order: 1. pointclickhome 2. & 3. tom leighton 4. & 5. malin ngoie 6. & 7. Gaelle Le Boulicaut 8. richard powers 9. Domino)